Sunday, December 27, 2009

DBOA Radio Series 12

Chapter 12 of the "Don't Bank on Amerika" radio series takes place during the first week of February, 1970, when the demonstrations for an open hearing into the Bill Allen case were drawing to a close.

DBOA 12 - 0:59:05 (DBOA #11 lost)

Issues covered:
  • Geoff Wallace interview
  • Student leaders meet with UCSB administration
  • KCSB-FM in-field reporting by Pete Koza, Suzi Burnette, Fred Gebhardt and Cy Godfrey
  • Second string student leadership (Rick Thorngate, Rich Trussel, et. al)
  • The Faculty Club Takeover
  • The Smith Survey
  • KCSB-FM in-field reporting by Phil Singer and Greg Sprankling
  • The Serpentine March, February 4
  • KCSB-SM in-field reporting by Greg Sprankling and Pete Koza
  • Campus Strike proves ineffective
  • Mick Kronman letter
  • Rip-off of the UCSB student leadership
  • The Trial of the Chicago 8
  • Willam Kunstler at UCSB's campus stadium

Music featured:
  • Quicksilver Messenger Service: "Who Do You Love?"
  • Richie Havens:"Handsome Johnny"
  • Arlo Guthrie: "Alice's Restaurant" (short version)
  • Thunderclap Newman: "Something In The Air"
  • Bob Dylan: "Masters of War"
  • John Lennon: "Power to the People"
  • Iron Butterfly: "In The Time of Our Lives"
  • Beach Boys: "Student Demonstration Time"

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I.V. Free Press #4, 1987

The University of California, Santa Barbara's Davidson Library Special Collections department has archived the special February 25, 1987 edition of Carmen Lodise's "Isla Vista Free Press." It contains a "Reader's Digest" version of my history on the riots, an analysis of the causes of the riots by professor Dick Flacks, and observations on I.V. community building by Carmen. An extra treat are the vignettes from the 1987 period, along with lotsa pictures. To read, go to:

ISLA VISTA FREE PRESS #4, February 25, 1987

To view a larger image of the IV FREE PRESS cover of 1989, click this image:

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

DBOA Radio Series 10

Chapter 10 (0:62:22) takes place January 29 and 30th, 1970.

  • KCSB-FM in-field reporting by Pete Coza, Maxine Cass, Greg Sprankling
  • Sleep-out, January 29/30
  • Rich Underwood recalls the Dean Evans Bullhorn Incident
  • Dean Evans Bullhorn Incident
  • Mick Kronman
  • Acting Chancellor Russell Buchanan approves Sheriff's forces on campus
  • David Gardner meets with student leaders
  • Chris Hall Incident
  • Bill Allen Demonstrations at UCSB
  • KCSB-FM in-field reporting by Cy Godfrey, Greg Sprankling, Pete Coza, Don French
  • Bill Allen: "You people really voted today!"
  • Post-riots interviews: local issues organizing
  • "Peace Brigade"
  • Greg Knell interview

  • Byrds: "8 Miles High" (live)
  • Youngbloods: "Love One Another"
  • Steve Miller Band: "Livin' In The USA"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

KCSB-FM History

Colin Marshall has been writing a series of articles on "the history and modern times of KCSB 91.9FM," at the Santa Barbara INDEPENDENT:

The Santa Barbara Independent KCSBeat

Sunday, November 22, 2009

DBOA Radio Series 09

Chapter 9 continues in January 1970, in the heat of the Bill Allen demonstrations on the Santa Barbara campus of the University of California:

In this episode:
  • January 29, 1970
  • Bill Allen at the demonstrations in front of the Admin Building: "Woodstock Nation People"
  • 7,776 signatures calling for an open hearing into the Bill Allen case
  • "Power to the People"
  • Oil companies
  • Wharf-in
  • Dean Evans Bullhorn Incident
  • KCSB-FM in-field reporting
  • Greg Knell recaps the student side of the Dean Evans Bullhorn Incident
  • Santana: "Go out and make it better"
  • Off-campus police called in
  • January 30, 1970
  • KCSB in-field reporting - Maxine Cass and Pete Coza
  • Dylan: "Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window?"
  • Outro
  • Iron Butterfly: "Soul Experience"

Additional Music:
  • Moody Blues: "Om"
  • Iron Butterfly: "In The Time of Our Lives"
  • Yardbirds: "Shapes of Things to Come"

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

DBOA Radio Series 08

Chapter 8 (0:65:10) takes us back to January 1970. Listen with headphones...

(Bill Allen demonstrations infront of "The Ad Building")

In this episode:
  • Bill Allen Demonstrations
  • KCSB-FM in-field reporting ( Greg Sprankling )
  • Geoff Wallace interview: chronology of beginning 1970
  • Arrests of Black Activists (Banks and Gardner)
  • First annual observance of the Santa Barbara Oil Spill of 1969
  • "Desiderata" goof
  • National vs. Local issues
  • Mick Kronman - "Join The Conspiracy"
  • Polls, surveys
  • Bill Allen: violence towards people vs. things
  • Becca Wilson interview

Music featured:
  • Fleetwood Mac: "Oh, Well" and "Searching For Madge"
  • Jefferson Airplane: "Volunteers"
  • Mothers of Invention: "It Can't Happen Here"
  • Quicksilver Messenger Service: "Gold and Silver"
  • Electric Flag


Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

DBOA Radio Series 07

Chapter 7 (0:55:56) takes place Winter 1969/1970.

Subjects covered:
  • Geoff Wallace interview: student activist groups
  • Greg Knell interview
  • ASIA
  • Chicago 8 Trial
  • Drug arrests, laws
  • Marijuana
  • Bill Allen Case
  • John Maybury: "B of A: A Piggy Bank"
  • 7,776 signatures
  • Call for open hearing into the Bill Allen Case
  • "... no more bureaucratic tricks"
  • KCSB in-field reporting
  • Beginning of the Bill Allen Demonstations at UCSB

Notable musical excerpts:
  • Firesign Theatre
  • Joe Cocker: "With A Little Help From My Friends"
  • Beatles: "With A Little Help From My Friends"
  • Love: "Signed D.C.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

DBOA Radio Series 06

Chapter 6 (0:56:25) of the "Don't Bank on Amerika" radio series takes place in Winter 1969/1970.

This episode contains the following:
  • Becca Wilson interview on the nature of Isla Vista
  • Greg Knell interview on chronology
  • The Smith Survey
  • The Goleta Sloughway
  • Kunstler speech excerpt from campus stadium, 2/24/1970
  • Fall 1969 chronology
  • Greg Knell interview on the Bill Allen issue
  • "Bank of America: A Second Check"
  • Opposition to the Bank of America
  • Tim Owens documentary excerpt

Musical excerpts:
  • Jefferson Airplane: Eskimo Blue Day
  • Quicksilver Messenger Service: What About Me?
  • Beach Boys: Student Demonstration Time
  • Mothers of Invention: American Way
  • Jethro Tull: A New Day Yesterday

Sunday, October 25, 2009

DBOA Radio Series 05

Chapter 5 of the "Don't Bank on Amerika" radio series (0:61:42), originally produced in the 1980s, takes place in the Fall of 1969, before the Bill Allen demonstrations and the later riots.

Contents include:

  • Becca Wilson interview excerpt
  • The local effect of the Vietnam War
  • The Smith Survey
  • Richard Nixon
  • The Vietnam Moratorium
  • ROTC on campus
  • UCSB background history
  • UCSB student body composition
  • UCSB student action groups
  • Vernon Cheadle's financial conflicts of interest
  • The Goleta Sloughway
  • Field Nigger vs. House Nigger
  • Buffalo Springfield music to end

Please feel free to not only listen, but download and share with friends:

Friday, October 23, 2009

"A Citizen's History"

Carmen wrote in:

"It's almost perfect, except the Free Press was three years, not two, and the book is not available in full at

AND, whatever does she mean: "the growing rift between students and community members"? We talked nothing of anything like that.

Not bad for the Nexus, I guess.


Local Publicizes New Book
Over 150 Pictures Included in New Isla Vista History

By Alex Llerena

Published Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Issue 21 / Volume 90

Author and former Isla Vista resident Carmen Lodise hosted a book signing in Goleta last Friday to promote his new publication: Isla Vista: A Citizen’s History.

The 200-page book includes over 150 pictures and first-hand accounts of significant events in our vibrant college town. Lodise used a collection of articles written during his time in Isla Vista as a foundation for the book, which was first published last year.

Lodise said he chose to write a book chronicling the history of I.V. because of his appreciation for the infamous local community.

“People remember the burning of the bank, but it’s what happened after that was so important,” Lodise said. “Students and townies came together to make living in I.V. a better place.”

Lodise moved to Isla Vista in 1972 to work as an assistant to a cultural anthropologist, and quickly became involved in the local community. In 1987 he started his own newspaper, called the Isla Vista Free Press, which ran for two years.

“I couldn’t compete with the Nexus,” Lodise said, commenting on the short life-span of the paper.

In 2002, Lodise took several of his articles from the newspaper and published them online. He decided to expand his online work into a book in 2008 after noticing the site had received over 1.6 million hits.

Although Lodise’s book recounts the “dark ages” of Isla Vista — including charges of corruption, greedy landlords and the growing rift between students and community officials — the author said he has high hopes for the future of the community.

Lodise also advocated for Isla Vista to become its own city, noting several potential advantages.

“I.V. is a liberated territory,” Lodise said. “It’s a hell of a great little town. … If I.V. could have control over the community including police, transportation and the quality of housing, through becoming a city, then it would be a great place to live.”

Besides running a local newspaper, Lodise said he also took part in the establishment of the park district, worked to establish funding for the medical clinic, sat on the I.V. community council and helped start the annual joint rolling contest.

The book, priced at $17.50, is available at the UCSB Bookstore, the Isla Vista Bookstore, the Isla Vista Food Co-op and Chaucer’s Books in Santa Barbara. The book, in its original form, is still available online at

Thursday, October 15, 2009

DBOA Radio Series 04

Chapter Four of the radio series begins Fall 1969:

DBOA Radio Series - Chapter 4 (0:56:15)

Subjects covered:

-- The United Front
-- Isla Vista, Summer 1969
-- Associated Students radical slate
-- Bill Allen case begins
-- Local drug use and availability
-- The "First" Isla Vista Riot, August 14, 1969
-- El Gaucho, October 2, 1969 covers most all issues of the period
-- Goleta "Sloughway"
-- Dick Flacks "controversy"
-- Angela Davis firing

Lou Reed's "Heroin" closes the chapter.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dogshit Park

Kevin Billingjurst sent this link in, to an Isla Vista story written by Todd Brendan Fahey in 2002:

Dogshit Park

Friday, October 09, 2009

DBOA Radio Series 03

Chapter 3 of the Don't Bank on Amerika radio series aired over KCSB-FM during the last half of the 1980s covers Spring/Summer 1969...

Topics covered include:

-- SDS
-- Malcolm X Hall
-- Faculty Club Bombing
-- Universities as a growth industry
-- Vernon Cheadle's vision for UCSB
-- People's Park, Berkeley
-- Kent State, 1970
-- Bill Allen case begins, June 1969
-- The United Front

My copies suffered lots of tape degradation before I digitized them nearly 20 years later. Best way to listen is on headphones. Listen and/or download:

Monday, October 05, 2009

DBOA Radio Series 02

I've just begun making my radio series from the late 1980s available for listening and/or downloading.

Topics covered in this 1:03:24 length documentary episode ("Chapter 2"), beginning in Fall 1968, include:

-- Treatment of black athletes
-- Takeover of North Hall
-- UCSB backstory
-- IV/UCSB housing
-- January-May 1969 chronology
-- January 10, 1969 BSU rally
-- The United Front
-- January 28, 1969 Oil Spill
-- Police repression
-- The role of the realty companies
-- Faculty Club bombing, death of Dover Sharp

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Kevin Moran Park

The following from John Maybury via Gary via Becca:

"Kevin Moran honored as hundreds celebrate official opening of park in Saratoga" By Brian Babcock, Saratoga News, 07/21/2009

It was a day many Saratogans thought might never come. Close to 40 years of contentious discussions, long meetings and hard feelings had finally come to an end. One of Saratoga's darker chapters was closing and those intimately involved with the situation were ready to move on.

So it was only fitting that on a sunny, warm day in July, hundreds of residents would gather at Kevin Moran Park to celebrate its symbolic "grand opening." With new tennis and bocce ball courts, a meditation garden, bathrooms and upgraded landscaping, the park's official makeover was complete — almost four decades after the city bought the property.

But Saratogans didn't just gather at the park to see these additions. They had come to hear about one of their own.

"Increasingly as a society, we look toward movie stars and sports legends for inspiration and personal qualities we would like to emulate, often becoming disappointed," wrote Kevin Moran's brother, Brian Moran, in a memorial in 1995 marking the 25th anniversary of Kevin's death. "Many times we need not look any further than our own families and loved ones to find those that will inspire us."

Kevin Moran died in 1970 while trying to put out an arson fire at a Bank of America in Isla Vista. Kevin was attending UC-Santa Barbara at the time; as at many colleges at the time, protests against the Vietnam War were becoming increasingly [violent]...

In April 1970, such an incident occurred. The college's student body president called on more moderate students to head down to the protest to try and calm some of the more radical students who were rioting and lighting fires.

Kevin and his roommates headed down to the scene. After helping put out a fire in a Taco Bell, Kevin ran to Bank of America, which had also been torched. While the students attempted to put out that fire, police officers moved in and began tossing tear gas into the crowds. During the confusion, police reported at the time, an officer's rifle accidentally went off and fragments of the bullet struck and killed Kevin.

Thirty-nine years after his death, Sheila Moran Couch, Kevin's sister, would stand at a lectern at Kevin Moran Park and tell a crowd of mostly strangers about her brother. As her sisters, Rita Moran, Joan O'Brien, Kathleen Menasce and Margaret Weir listened, Couch would tell the crowd that she had shown up at the park a week earlier because she didn't believe the news that the park was finally finished.

Her comment was met with a round of laughter, perhaps because most of those gathered couldn't believe it either. After close to 40 years of bickering and contentious discussions among residents, the park had finally been completed.

The 10.3-acre property now known as Kevin Moran Park was purchased by the city of Saratoga [California] in 1970 for $236,572. That same year, the city and residents overwhelmingly supported the idea of naming the park after Moran.

But that seemed to be the only thing that those involved would agree on for almost four decades. Almost immediately residents began butting heads on how the park would be developed. While Saratogans living near the park wanted to see it kept as a neighborhood park, others within Saratoga wanted to see it developed with play areas and a baseball diamond.

Ultimately, the Saratoga City Council approved a master plan in 1971 but most of the recommendations were never implemented. It wasn't until 1973 that pathways, a turf area, a children's playground and landscaping were developed within the park.

Although the topic of how to fully develop the park was never dormant for long, the discussion always ended up on the back burner since no one could come to a consensus on what to do with the area.

The most recent debate revolved around the idea of putting a soccer field in the park. Supporters said the park was the perfect place to develop a field for Saratoga youth soccer players. Opponents slammed the idea, as they wanted to keep it a peaceful and tranquil neighborhood park.

A Kevin Moran Park task force was formed in 2004 to come up with a "consensus plan." The task force included two city council members, two Saratoga residents who were to represent the city as a whole, two "user group" members and three neighborhood representatives.

One of the neighborhood representatives was Elaine Clabeaux. She said that although there were times where talks became argumentative, overall the task force members worked well together.

"We were different people with different bits of knowledge and it was up to each of us to educate the others on what we knew," Clabeaux said.

In January 2006 the decision was made — the Saratoga City Council voted 4-1 to approve a plan that would allow the development of a full-size soccer field at the park. The task force would later agree with the plan, to the dismay of the park's neighbors.

Multiple meetings were held by the city with each one lasting late into the night. A January 2006 council meeting lasted five-and-a-half hours alone as 80 people spoke on the issue.

But while the infighting among residents continued, it turned out that West Valley College would help resolve the issue as plans to build multiple soccer fields on the college campus were revealed. The council would allocate $250,000 in August 2006 to help care for the fields and make necessary improvements to them.

Although not the end of the story, those decisions would be the turning point in a 36-year debate. The task force, which had been disbanded months earlier, reconvened in September 2006 to come up with a new vision for the park. That plan would include adding bathrooms, a half-size basketball court, tennis courts, a bocce ball court and a meditation garden.

Those plans were kept and a groundbreaking was held at the park in November 2008. And eight months later the issue would be put to rest forever.

Before the grand opening began on July 17, Couch thought back on all that had led up to the event.

"He had such a violent death with being surrounded by protests and rioting and people not getting along in his own community. And to see the Saratoga community fighting over the park really created a lot of unhappiness. It was really sad. And it was ironic," she said.

But in the end, it all turned out.

"The outcome is wonderful," she said as she glanced around at the park. "It's nice to see that people sat down and worked on a compromise and came up with a beautiful solution. This is a really lovely place."

Friday, October 02, 2009

DBOA Radio Series 01

In preparation for the 40th anniversary of the burning of the Isla Vista branch of the Bank of America, February 1970, I am downloading the entire "Don't Bank on Amerika" radio series that ran on KCSB-FM during the last half of the 1980s.

In this series opener (length: 0:48:35), that takes place in Fall of 1968, subjects touched upon include:

-- The United Front
-- Isla Vista background history
-- Chancellor Cheadle talking about the United Front
-- The Black Students Union
-- SDS
-- Police harrassment
-- Obscenity on campus

Tape quality sometimes is poor, as these recordings were digitized from my personal cassette copies of the original program that -- I think -- is still archived in the KCSB Public Affairs archives (hopefully of better quality).

Also, I was never much of a radio announcer/producer. In order to do it right, you have to go with the very best take and if that one's not good enough, you cut it again and get it where it needs to be. I never felt I had that kind of time, so I slapped this 30-some individual audio documentary episodes together as best as I could, as fast as I could. Even so, I believe it is still listenable, certainly educational, and even fun hearing protagonists of the day along with music of the era.

I hope you enjoy it, warts and all.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

"Burning Banks and Roasting Marshmellows"

Greg Desilet's book on the period of the Isla Vista Riots has been published by XLibris. Please read about the book below. Thank you, Greg, for crediting me with helping with the book's evolution. I was very happy to do so:

Burning Banks and Roasting Marshmallows: The Education of Daniel Marleau

This chronicle of student unrest, set during 1970 in the unlikely palm graced, sun-kissed Santa Barbara campus of the University of California, follows young Dan Marleau and friends through personal and political upheavals that begin on campus with the firing of a popular professor and spread off campus to the infamous burning of the Bank of American in Isla Vista. Those who lived through the Vietnam War era will be swept into a portrayal evoking measures of angst, anger, and bitterness alongside nostalgia, humor, and resilience. Those who are too young to have lived through this period will find areas of identification with characters who face circumstances and challenges that remain relevant in a time of continued military entanglements, corporate excesses, political divisions, and global terrorism. Numerous photographs taken by the author complement the narrative.

Tip of the hat to Malcolm (from the book acknowledgement section):

This project percolated for many years before I finally found time to write a draft during the late 1990s. Reading an early version of Malcolm Gault-Williams’ Don’t Bank on America (initially titled Sunshine Revolutionaries) inspired me to get down to writing. It prodded my memory and became an incomparable resource and time line to follow in reconstructing the pivotal events. Without Malcolm’s work, my task would have been much more difficult. So my debt to Malcolm is deep and I thank him for producing an historical account of high quality and for help and motivation supplied through several email communications over the years I have worked on this project.

Copies of the book can be ordered here:

Greg's website, with more info about the book is:

Sunday, May 24, 2009

IV 1 Video, parts 1 & 2

There are some YouTube videos on the riots. Here's the beginning of a series on "IV 1" ...

IV I, part 1:

IV 1, part 2:
DBOA 1, part 2

Saturday, February 07, 2009

"A Citizen's History" Review

D.J. Palladino reviewed Carmen's book in the latest edition of the SB INDEPENDENT:

"Carmen Lodise and Friends Release Isla Vista: A Citizen’s History," SB INDEPENDENT, February 5, 2009, By D.J. Palladino

... Lodise, an activist and newspaper editor during the ’70s and ’80s.. [gives] a political history beginning with Spaniards landing on the Chumash, segueing into the grandees of ranching, early (futile) oil explorations, and a conspiratorial-tinged saga of development, a story that fingers some big dead white men, like editor T.M. Storke, oil mogul Samuel Mosher, and former chancellor Robert Huttenback [no, it was Cheadle]. Though its zoning and financing scandal accusations are surprisingly inconclusive, the story nonetheless feels both juicy and fishy.

Lodise offers essays on various uprisings, the bank’s demise (by Das Williams’s dad Malcolm), and, more scrupulously, limns I.V.’s political climate following the riots, a tale of much woe, in which the university, despite its own sponsored report’s recommendations, balked at fruitful involvement. It does slightly better today, Lodise admits...

In the book, Lodise invokes the hard work that produced, if not an incorporated city, fervent citizen involvement lasting more than two decades, a record of activism that created parks, public health facilities, a food co-op, and big fun, like nude-ins and joint-rolling contests. He also revives the voices of people we needed and still need: like playwright, professor, and activist Bob Potter; politically committed journalist and candidate Carrie Topliffe; artist and shopkeeper Al Plyley; and Lodise himself.

What his book doesn’t manage well, however, is the city’s complicated cultural life, ignoring things as disparate but important as off-beat cultural destinations like Biko House and public traumas such as the actions of David Attias, a disturbed young man who drove into a crowd of Isla Vistans and tragically killed four, but awakened, finally, the conscience of the university. Surfing, rock music, theater, poetry, even businesses born in I.V., like Kinko’s, get little shrift. The worst sleight, however, is Halloween, which, it has been well argued, did as much as firebrand Yippees to create the culture of protest there. With roots back to the late 1950s, Halloween bonfires, suspended during the psychedelic years, are truly the strongest tradition most I.V.ers remember. Lodise gives it one page.

It’s crucial to recall that Isla Vista is an adopted city. It’s a transient pleasure, partly because absent landlords rent 96 percent of the town out to students who spend maybe four years there, then leave. Though the town looks much as it did in the late 1960s, except the I.V. Bookstore, it is completely different. Few businesses last, and fewer citizens remain, including Lodise who lives in Mexico and Arizona today. The world he describes was what he saw; his adopted era.

You can’t blame Lodise for encouraging youth to continue speaking truth to power, to band together before I.V. becomes a theme park. But I can’t help thinking about Fellini’s sailors [in Satyricon (1968)], offered the corpses of their elders to chew. Ironic that it’s now the boomers providing the eat-or-die flesh. This generation needs to know the past, sure, but not just 1970s legacies. A more balanced book may help us all move forward on all the available winds.

For full text, please go to:

The Santa Barbara Independent New History of I.V. Published

Carmen replied:


Thank you for the mostly positive review of our book. I acknowledge my "citizen's history" does short the vibrant cultural aspects of Isla Vista. However, I recall a piece you wrote in the Independent a couple of years ago on that topic, which leads me to believe that it may be you, not me, who should write that history.

A couple of other reviews:

“The book is gorgeous and vividly authentic, a grass-roots people's history in the tradition of Howard Zinn."
-- Bob Potter, Prof. Emeritus, UCSB
Co-author, The Campus by the Sea Where the Bank Burned Down

“This is outstanding! The legacy of Isla Vista owes you a tremendous debt of gratitude and on a personal level, so do I.”
-- Cloe Mayes Yocum,
UCSB student, mid-1970s

"The book reminds me a lot about how much I owe Isla Vista. I think someone could never really know me without knowing what our community was/is like."
-- Glen Lazof,
Isla Vista Community Council, 1983-84, I.V. Park District GM, 1985-93

Incidentally, the book is available at Chaucer's Books, the I.V. Food Co-op, both UCSB and Isla Vista book stores and, within the next couple of days, at


Carmen Lodise

Friday, January 30, 2009

Bank Burning Video

A YouTube video on the burning of the Isla Vista branch of the Bank of America: