Friday, August 27, 2004

KALEIDOSCOPE, March 18, 1970

Disregard the name of the following website ("Hippyland"). The fact they don't spell it right tells ya something. Anyway, there are some quite good links in the right hand frame, as well as some more general ones in the left. Center stage is this article on the Bank Burning, published only a couple of weeks later:

Isla Vista Student Riots

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Radical Union Notes From Steve Denney, 3/26/2002

Short note from Malcolm: I am continuing to slowly backfill the DBOA Blog with correspondence I've received over the years that I have managed to save. This one is from Steve Denney, dated March 26, 2002. When you have time, checkout Steve's website; awesome job on Southeast Asia.


I appreciate your web site. I was a student at UCSB from 1968-71, I dropped
out and finished my education in Oregon.

I attended a few Radical Union meetings during the 1969-70 school year. But
I always felt out of place there and never got to know anyone. Truth is I
did not in my heart believe in what they believed. To be radical then meant
to embrace a libertine lifestyle while at the same time supporting the most
totalitarian regimes in the world, such as China, North Vietnam, Cuba. I remember seeing the Bank of America burning down. I know some people who
were involved in the riots, former high school classmates of mine. I also
participated in the final demonstration in June 1970 to protest what was
basically a police riot.

I would be interested to know what happened to some of the leaders at that
time, such as Lefty Bryant, Jim Gregory, Greg Knoll (?), etc.

best regards,

Steve Denney


Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Random Lingering in Isla Vista

Carmen just turned me on to this one... Books: Random Lingering in Isla Vista

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Gulf of Tonkin's Phantom Attack (1964)

Who was it that said: "The more things change, the more things stay the same" ???

NPR: Cronkite: Gulf of Tonkin's Phantom Attack (1964)