Thursday, July 14, 2005

Promise and Betrayal

Glenn Lazof gave this heads-up about email recently sent him and others from John I. Gilderbloom, about his new book, rooted in Isla Vista: "Promise and Betrayal: Universities and the Battle for sustainable Urban Neighborhoods." Thanks, Glenn!

Hey Isla Vista Friends! Can someone please post this announcement to all the kinds and good folks on the Isla Vista chatter box? I wanted to let you know that my latest book, Promise and Betrayal: Universities and the Battle For Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods, with graudate student Rob Mullins came out this week. The book has an introduction from former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros, nice letters from former President Clinton and former Harvard President Derek Bo in the appendix... Its a good read that includes pictures of before and after. You are just a click away from ordering this $24.95 book. Its an upbeat story of how we turned one of Louisville's most impoverished communities into a vibrant, livable neighborhood.

I hope you like it. Best wishes, John I. Gilderbloom

SUNY Press :: Promise and Betrayal

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